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Adjective walk-in has 1 sense
  1. walk-in - (of e.g. closets or refrigerators) extending very far enough back to allow a person to enter; "a deep walk-in refrigerator"; "walk-in closets"
    shallow (indirect, via deep)
Noun walk-in has 4 senses
  1. walk-in - person who walks in without having an appointment; "the emergency room was overrun with walk-ins"
    --1 is a kind of
    person, individual, someone, somebody, mortal, human, soul
    Derived form: verb walk in1
  2. walk-in - an operative who initiates his own defection (usually to a hostile country) for political asylum
    --2 is a kind of
    secret agent, intelligence officer, intelligence agent, operative; deserter, defector
  3. walk-in, waltz - an assured victory (especially in an election)
    --3 is a kind of victory, triumph
  4. walk-in - a small room large enough to admit entrance
    --4 is a kind of
Verb walk-in has 1 sense
  1. walk in - enter by walking; "She walks in at all hours, as if she lived here"
    --1 is one way to enter, come in, get into, get in, go into, go in, move into
    Derived form: noun walk-in1
    Sample sentence:
    Somebody ----s
walesa walet walgreen walgreens walhalla walid waling walk-beseeching walk-in walk-on walk-through walk-to walk-up walk-up apartment walk walk about walk around

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