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Definitions from WordNet

Noun vesiculitis has 1 sense
  1. vesiculitis - inflammation of a seminal vesicle (usually in conjunction with prostatitis)
    --1 is a kind of
    inflammation, redness, rubor

Definitions from the Web



Definition: Inflammation of the seminal vesicles, which are small glands located behind the prostate and responsible for producing semen.

Sample Sentence: The patient's chronic vesiculitis caused discomfort and affected his fertility.


Definition: Inflammation of the blister-like formations on the skin, characterized by pain, itching, and redness.

Sample Sentence: The hiker developed vesiculitis on his feet after ignoring the importance of wearing appropriate footwear.


Definition: Inflammation of the vesicular glands, usually found in poultry, leading to decreased egg production and potential infertility.

Sample Sentence: The vet diagnosed the chicken with vesiculitis and prescribed antibiotics to treat the infection.


Definition: Inflammation of the small bladder-like structures found in certain algae, leading to impaired gas exchange and potential cell death.

Sample Sentence: The researcher studied the effects of vesiculitis on algal populations in polluted water bodies.


Definition: Inflammation of the vesicles, which are small fluid-filled sacs within the body.

Sample Sentence: The doctor identified vesiculitis as the cause of the patient's abdominal pain and recommended further examination.


Definition: Inflammation of the vesicles, notably the seminal vesicles, commonly caused by bacterial or viral infections.

Sample Sentence: The urologist treated the patient's acute vesiculitis with a course of antibiotics.


Definition: Inflammation of the vesicles in the lungs, leading to respiratory symptoms such as coughing, chest pain, and difficulty breathing.

Sample Sentence: The pulmonologist diagnosed the patient with vesiculitis due to exposure to toxic fumes at the workplace.


Definition: Inflammation of the vesicles in the urinary system, causing urinary frequency, urgency, and pain.

Sample Sentence: The nurse educated the patient about the symptoms and management of vesiculitis of the urinary bladder.


Definition: Localized inflammation of the vesicular glands in certain bees, affecting their reproductive capabilities.

Sample Sentence: The beekeeper was concerned about the colony's declining population due to vesiculitis affecting the queen bee.

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