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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective uvular has 1 sense
  1. uvular - of or relating to or associated with the uvula; "the uvular r"

Definitions from the Web

Term: Uvular


Uvular is an adjective that refers to or relates to the uvula, which is the small, fleshy, pendant-shaped tissue hanging down from the back edge of the soft palate in the mouth.


  • Sense 1: Pertaining to the uvula or its characteristics.
  • Sense 2: Produced by or involving the uvula.
  • Sense 3: Resembling or shaped like a uvula.


  • Usage 1: The uvular region is highly sensitive.
  • Usage 2: The uvular consonant in some languages can be challenging to pronounce.
  • Usage 3: The uvular sound of his laughter was quite unique.
  • Usage 4: The surgery involved the removal of the uvular tissue.

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