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universal time


Definitions from WordNet

Noun universal time has 1 sense
  1. Greenwich Mean Time, Greenwich Time, GMT, universal time, UT, UT1 - the local time at the 0 meridian passing through Greenwich, England; it is the same everywhere
    --1 is a kind of time
    --1 has particulars: coordinated universal time, UTC

Definitions from the Web

Universal Time


Universal Time (UT) is a time standard that is used to coordinate and synchronize timekeeping around the world. It is based on the rotation of the Earth and is independent of time zones or daylight saving time. Universal Time is often referred to as Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) or Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).



  1. Make sure to adjust your watch to Universal Time before traveling internationally.
  2. Universal Time is commonly used in scientific research and international telecommunications.


  1. The satellite conducted observations using its onboard universal time clock.
  2. Our organization operates on a universal time system for seamless global collaboration.

Links to Amazon:

Universal Time Watches on Amazon

Universal Time Clocks on Amazon

Universal Time in International Telecommunications on Amazon

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