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Definitions from WordNet

Noun tunaburger has 1 sense
  1. tunaburger - a sandwich that resembles a hamburger but made with tuna instead of beef
    --1 is a kind of

Definitions from the Web



A tunaburger refers to a type of hamburger that is made primarily from tuna fish as the main ingredient instead of the usual beef or poultry.


As a noun:

  1. My brother loves ordering a tunaburger whenever he visits a seafood restaurant.
  2. The trendy new restaurant in town offers a delicious tunaburger on their menu.

As a verb:

  1. We decided to tunaburger the recipe by substituting the ground beef with canned tuna.
  2. She loves to tunaburger her burger patties, creating a healthier version of the classic hamburger.

As an adjective:

  1. The tuna patty in the tunaburger was seasoned to perfection.
  2. He prefers the tunaburger version over the traditional beef burger for its unique taste.

As an adverb:

  1. The chef cleverly transformed the traditional burger into a tunaburger recipe.
  2. She cooked the tunaburger patties to perfection, making them juicily and flavorful.

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