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Definitions from WordNet

Noun tubbiness has 1 sense
  1. chubbiness, pudginess, tubbiness, rolypoliness - the property of having a plump and round body
    --1 is a kind of plumpness, embonpoint

Definitions from the Web


Noun - Physical Description

Tubbiness refers to the state of being overweight or having excessive body fat.

Example sentence:

Despite his efforts to lose weight, his tubbiness always made it difficult for him to fit into his old jeans.

Noun - Personality Trait

Tubbiness can also describe someone's personality as being jolly, cheerful, or having a good-natured disposition.

Example sentence:

Her tubbiness always made her the life of the party, spreading joy and laughter wherever she went.

Noun - Local

In some regions, tubbiness can refer to a traditional dish or snack, popular among locals.

Example sentence:

While visiting the coastal city, be sure to try the local tubbiness, a savory treat made from fresh seafood.

Adjective - Physical Description

When used as an adjective, tubbiness describes something or someone as being overweight or chubby.

Example sentence:

The cute little puppy was growing quickly and started to develop a tubbiness that made it even more adorable.

Adjective - Local

As an adjective, tubbiness can also refer to something being characteristic or representative of a particular region or locality.

Example sentence:

The restaurant offered a special tubbiness pizza, a local twist on the classic favorite with unique regional flavors.

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