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Definitions from WordNet

Noun transiency has 1 sense
  1. transience, transiency, transitoriness - an impermanence that suggests the inevitability of ending or dying
    --1 is a kind of impermanence, impermanency
    --1 has particulars:
     fugacity, fugaciousness; ephemerality, ephemeralness, fleetingness

Definitions from the Web


Noun: The state or quality of being transient; the quality of lasting for only a short time.

Example sentence: The transiency of youth often leads to impulsive decisions.

Noun: The state of being passing or temporary.

Example sentence: The transiency of the season was evident as the leaves rapidly changed colors.

Adjective: Temporary or fleeting in nature.

Example sentence: The beauty of a sunset is often associated with its transiency.

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