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time loan


Definitions from WordNet

Noun time loan has 1 sense
  1. time loan - a loan that is payable on or before a specified date
    --1 is a kind of

Definitions from the Web

Time Loan

1. Noun

Sense 1: A financial arrangement where an item or service is borrowed for a specified period and returned afterwards.

Example sentence: Can I borrow your camera for a time loan? I need it for my trip next week.

Related products: Check out cameras on Amazon.

2. Noun

Sense 2: The act of lending or providing someone with time to complete a specific task or achieve their goal.

Example sentence: My colleague offered me a time loan to help me finish my project before the deadline.

Related products: Explore productivity tools on Amazon.

3. Verb

Sense 1: To temporarily lend or provide something to someone for a specific period of time.

Example sentence: I can time loan you my bicycle while yours is getting repaired.

Related products: Find bicycles for sale on Amazon.

time in lue time in lui time intensive time interval time lag time lapse time limit time line time loan time machine time management time managers time note time of arrival time of day time of delivery time of departure

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