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Definitions from WordNet

Noun tiercel has 1 sense
  1. tiercel, tercel, tercelet - male hawk especially male peregrine or gyrfalcon
    --1 is a kind of hawk

Definitions from the Web

Term: Tiercel

Noun (Birds): A male falcon or hawk of a small to medium size, typically smaller than the female.

Sample sentence: The tiercel soared through the sky, scanning the ground for prey.

Noun (Medieval Hunting): A small bell or bell-shaped pendant used to attach to a hunting hawk's leg.

Sample sentence: The tiercel's jesses jingled softly as it perched on the hunter's glove.

Noun (Architecture): A row or layer of stone or bricks in a building.

Sample sentence: The medieval castle had a tall tower with multiple tiers.

Noun (Music): A sequence or series of harmonies or notes arranged in a specific order.

Sample sentence: The song had a beautiful melodic tiercel that captivated the audience.

Noun (Slang, UK): A male person.

Sample sentence: He's a good-looking tiercel, isn't he?

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