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Definitions from WordNet

Noun succotash has 1 sense
  1. succotash - fresh corn and lima beans with butter or cream
    --1 is a kind of

Definitions from the Web



In culinary terms, succotash refers to a dish typically made with a combination of corn kernels and lima beans, although variations may include the addition of other vegetables such as tomatoes, bell peppers, or onions. It is usually seasoned with salt, pepper, and butter or bacon fat. Succotash is a traditional American dish that is popular in Southern cuisine.

Sample Sentences:

1. I cooked a delicious succotash for dinner using fresh corn and lima beans from the farmer's market.

2. The restaurant served succotash as a side dish alongside grilled chicken.

3. Grandma's succotash recipe includes tomatoes and bell peppers for added flavor.

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