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Definitions from WordNet

Noun steelworker has 1 sense
  1. steelmaker, steelworker, steelman - a worker engaged in making steel
    --1 is a kind of maker, shaper

Definitions from the Web



Steelworkers refer to individuals who work in the steel industry, primarily involved in the production, fabrication, and maintenance of steel and related materials. They play a vital role in various stages of steel manufacturing, including shaping and assembling steel components.

Sense 1: Noun (Plural)

In the plural form, "steelworkers" specifically refers to a group of individuals who work collectively in steel mills or factories.

Example sentence: The steelworkers at the plant have been working tirelessly to meet the increasing demands of the construction industry.

Sense 2: Noun (Singular)

When used as a singular noun, "steelworker" signifies an individual who specializes in working with steel and its fabrication.

Example sentence: John, a skilled steelworker, expertly crafted the intricate steel structure.

Sense 3: Adjective

As an adjective, "steelworkers" describes something related to or associated with the steel industry.

Example sentence: The steelworkers union is negotiating better working conditions for its members.

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