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spike heel


Definitions from WordNet

Noun spike heel has 1 sense
  1. spike heel, stiletto heel - a very high narrow heel on women's shoes
    --1 is a kind of heel

Definitions from the Web

Spike heel

A spike heel refers to a type of high heel shoe that features a thin and pointed heel.

It is often associated with style and elegance and is commonly worn for formal occasions or to enhance the overall appearance of an outfit.

Spike heels are predominantly worn by women and are known for their ability to add height and create a visually elongated silhouette.

Sample sentences:

  1. She wore a stunning pair of spike heels to the gala.
  2. The spike heel on her shoe broke, causing her to stumble.
  3. For her wedding day, she chose a pair of beautiful ivory spike heels.
  4. The model strutted confidently down the runway in her spike-heeled boots.

Related products:

Spike heel shoes
Spike heel protectors
Spike heel inserts
Spike heel caps
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