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Noun seaman has 2 senses
  1. mariner, seaman, tar, Jack-tar, Jack, old salt, seafarer, gob, sea dog - a man who serves as a sailor
    --1 is a kind of sailor, crewman
    --1 has particulars:
     able seaman, able-bodied seaman; boatswain, bos'n, bo's'n, bosun, bo'sun; deckhand, roustabout; helmsman, steersman, steerer; lighterman, bargeman, bargee; officer, ship's officer; pilot; sea lawyer; whaler
  2. Seaman, Elizabeth Seaman, Elizabeth Cochrane Seaman, Nellie Bly - muckraking United States journalist who exposed bad conditions in mental institutions (1867-1922)
    --2 is a kind of journalist
sealskin tent sealweakay sealy sealyham sealyham terrier seam seam allowance seam binding seaman seamanlike seamanly seamanship seamean seamed seamen seametrey seamier

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