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sand dune


Definitions from WordNet

Noun sand dune has 1 sense
  1. dune, sand dune - a ridge of sand created by the wind; found in deserts or near lakes and oceans
    --1 is a kind of ridge
    --1 has particulars: seif dune

Definitions from the Web

Sand Dune

A sand dune is a hill of sand built by wind or water movement. It is a common landform found in deserts, coastlines, and even some inland areas.


Noun (Physical Landform):

  1. The Sahara Desert is known for its vast sand dunes.
  2. Visitors enjoy sandboarding down the large sand dunes at the coastal region.

Noun (Popular Term):

  1. Building sandcastles on the beach is a favorite activity for children.
  2. A stroll along the sand dunes offers breathtaking views of the ocean.

Adjective (Describing Landscapes):

  1. The serene desert landscape was dominated by endless sand dunes.
  2. Explorers ventured into the undulating terrain of the sandy dunes.

Verb (Shaping or Forming Dunes):

  1. The wind constantly shifts and molds the sand, forming beautiful dunes.
  2. Over time, the river's currents erode the riverbank, creating sand dunes along its course.

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