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rubus idaeus


Definitions from WordNet

Noun rubus idaeus has 1 sense
  1. wild raspberry, European raspberry, framboise, Rubus idaeus - the common European raspberry; fruit red or orange
    --1 is a kind of red raspberry

Definitions from the Web

Rubus Idaeus

Definition: Rubus Idaeus is the scientific name for the raspberry plant, a member of the rose family (Rosaceae). It is a deciduous shrub known for its edible red or yellow fruit.

Senses and Usages:

  1. Noun: A plant species of the Rubus genus, native to Europe, that typically bears red or yellow fruits used in cooking, baking, or eaten raw.
    • Sample Sentence 1: I went raspberry picking yesterday and collected a basket full of delicious Rubus Idaeus.
    • Sample Sentence 2: The Rubus Idaeus in our garden produced a bountiful harvest this year.
  2. Adjective: Describing something related to or characteristic of the raspberry plant.
    • Sample Sentence 1: The bakery specializes in creating mouth-watering desserts using fresh Rubus Idaeus fruits.
    • Sample Sentence 2: The jam had a lovely Rubus Idaeus aroma.

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