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rabbit-eared bandicoot


Definitions from WordNet

Noun rabbit-eared bandicoot has 1 sense
  1. rabbit-eared bandicoot, rabbit bandicoot, bilby, Macrotis lagotis - bandicoot with leathery ears like a rabbit
    --1 is a kind of bandicoot
    --1 is a member of Macrotis, genus Macrotis

Definitions from the Web

Rabbit-Eared Bandicoot


A rabbit-eared bandicoot is a small marsupial native to Australia. It is characterized by its long ears, rabbit-like appearance, and its unique behaviors.


Sense 1 - Noun (Animal):

A rabbit-eared bandicoot is a type of bandicoot, scientifically known as the Perameles lagotis. It has a slender body, long tail, and large ears resembling those of a rabbit.

Example Sentence:

The rabbit-eared bandicoot is an endangered species due to habitat loss.

Sense 2 - Noun (Technology):

The term "rabbit-eared bandicoot" is used colloquially to describe antennas or connectors on electronic devices that resemble rabbit ears.

Example Sentence:

My old TV had rabbit-eared bandicoots for picking up signals.

Sense 3 - Adjective:

"Rabbit-eared bandicoot" can be used as an adjective to describe something that resembles or has qualities similar to a rabbit-eared bandicoot.

Example Sentence:

The rabbit-eared bandicoot headphones provided excellent sound quality.

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