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Definitions from WordNet

Noun popper has 2 senses
  1. popper - a container of stimulant drug (amyl nitrate or butyl nitrite)
    --1 is a kind of
    stimulant, stimulant drug
  2. popper - a container for cooking popcorn
    --2 is a kind of
    Derived form: verb pop12

Definitions from the Web



A popper can refer to a type of fishing lure, a device used for opening bottles, or a person who enjoys the use of amyl nitrite as a recreational drug.



1. Fishing Lure - A popper is a type of artificial fishing lure that is designed to create a popping or splashing sound when jerked across the water's surface. It is often used for attracting predatory fish, such as bass or trout.

Example sentence: The angler cast his popper into the lake and immediately hooked a largemouth bass.

Related products on Amazon: Fishing Poppers

2. Bottle Opener - A popper can be a small handheld device used for effortlessly opening bottles, especially those with twist-off caps or crown caps.

Example sentence: John always carries a popper in his pocket to open beer bottles at parties.

Related products on Amazon: Bottle Poppers

3. Amyl Nitrite User - A popper may also refer to an individual who enjoys and uses amyl nitrite as a recreational drug, which is commonly inhaled to produce a brief head-rush and muscle relaxation.

Example sentence: Some individuals use poppers at parties to enhance their night out experience.

Related products on Amazon: Poppers


1. To Pop - Popper can be used as a verb to describe the action of making a sudden, sharp, or explosive sound or movement.

Example sentence: The children were excitedly popping the balloons at the birthday party.

2. To Use Amyl Nitrite - Popper can also be used as a verb to describe the act of inhaling amyl nitrite for recreational purposes.

Example sentence: He enjoys poppering during his weekends to unwind from work pressure.

Note: The term "popper" in its various senses can have different meanings in different regions or contexts. The provided descriptions and sample sentences cover the most common usages.

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