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peach ice cream


Definitions from WordNet

Noun peach ice cream has 1 sense
  1. peach ice cream - ice cream flavored with fresh peaches
    --1 is a kind of
    ice cream

Definitions from the Web

Peach Ice Cream

Definition: Peach ice cream is a creamy frozen dessert made with ripe peaches, milk, sugar, and often combined with vanilla or other flavorings.


  1. Noun: A type of ice cream flavored with peaches.
  2. Noun: A dessert made by freezing a mixture of peaches, cream, and sugar.

Sample Sentences:

  1. I tried a scoop of peach ice cream, and it was incredibly delicious.
  2. My grandmother's homemade recipe for peach ice cream is unrivaled.
  3. The store sells various flavors, but my favorite is their refreshing peach ice cream.
  4. As the sun beat down on the beach, we enjoyed cooling ourselves with peach ice cream.
  5. When visiting the farmer's market, don't forget to try the locally made peach ice cream.

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