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Sense 1: A popular brand of haircare product known for its moisturizing properties.

Example sentence: I just bought a new bottle of pamo conditioner for my dry hair.

Search for pamo conditioner on Amazon Sense 2: Local abbreviation for Pan American Motors, a car dealership in the area.

Example sentence: I need to visit the pamo dealership to get my car serviced.

Search for pamo car dealership on Amazon


Sense 1: Referring to something that is widely accepted or popular among the masses.

Example sentence: "Friends" is a pamo TV show that almost everyone loves.

Search for pamo TV show on Amazon Sense 2: Relating to something specific or unique to the local community.

Example sentence: The festival features various pamo dishes that are only found in this region.

Search for pamo local dishes on Amazon


Sense 1: To popularize or promote something widely.

Example sentence: The marketing team is working hard to pamo their new product through social media.

Search for pamo marketing on Amazon Sense 2: To adapt or customize something to suit the needs of the local community.

Example sentence: The restaurant decided to pamo the menu by adding traditional local dishes.

Search for pamo local menu on Amazon
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