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notornis mantelli


Definitions from WordNet

Noun notornis mantelli has 1 sense
  1. notornis, takahe, Notornis mantelli - flightless New Zealand birds similar to gallinules
    --1 is a kind of rail
    --1 is a member of genus Notornis

Definitions from the Web

notornis mantelli


Notornis mantelli is a species of flightless bird endemic to New Zealand. It belongs to the rail family and is commonly known as the North Island takahē. It has strong wings but cannot fly, usually found inhabiting wetlands and grassy areas.

Sample sentences:

As a noun:

The notornis mantelli is a rare bird species that is highly protected in New Zealand.

Researchers are studying the behavior and habitat of the notornis mantelli to better understand its conservation needs.

As an adjective:

The notornis mantelli population is concentrated in specific regions of the North Island.

We spotted a notornis mantelli nest hidden among the reeds.

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