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mountain quail


Definitions from WordNet

Noun mountain quail has 1 sense
  1. mountain quail, mountain partridge, Oreortyx picta palmeri - California partridge; slightly larger than the California quail
    --1 is a kind of partridge
    --1 is a member of Oreortyx, genus Oreortyx

Definitions from the Web

Mountain Quail


Mountain quail is a bird species native to the mountainous regions of western North America. It is known for its unique appearance and distinct call. The bird has a plump body, a short bill, and a long straight tail. It is predominantly gray and chestnut in color with intricate black and white markings.



  1. A bird species (Oreortyx pictus) native to western North America, characterized by its plump body, short bill, and long straight tail.
  2. An enthusiast or hunter of mountain quail.

Sample Sentences

Sense 1:

  1. The mountain quail is a ground-dwelling bird found mainly in California and Oregon.
  2. We spotted a beautiful pair of mountain quail during our hike in the Sierra Nevada.

Sense 2:

  1. John is an avid mountain quail who spends his weekends observing and studying their behavior.
  2. The local hunting club offers guided trips for mountain quail enthusiasts.

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