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marble cake


Definitions from WordNet

Noun marble cake has 1 sense
  1. marble cake - made of light and dark batter very lightly blended
    --1 is a kind of

Definitions from the Web

Marble Cake

Definition: Marble cake refers to a type of cake that features a marbled pattern created by swirling together two different colored batters, usually vanilla and chocolate, before baking. It is often characterized by its unique combination of flavors and visual appeal.


Example 1 (Noun - Food): I baked a delicious marble cake for my friend's birthday party. The combination of vanilla and chocolate flavors was a hit among the guests.

Example 2 (Adjective - Describing Texture): The moist and tender marble cake melted in my mouth, leaving behind a delightful blend of flavors.

Example 3 (Verb - Baking Process): To create a marble cake, alternately spoon the vanilla and chocolate batters into the cake pan and use a skewer to swirl them together gently.

Example 4 (Local - Regional Variations): In some regions, marble cake may have additional flavors like almond or orange zest incorporated into the batter, providing a unique twist to the traditional recipe.

Example 5 (Popular - Culture): The iconic marble cake is often associated with nostalgic memories of home baking and brings a sense of comfort and warmth to many people.

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