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Noun madison has 2 senses
  1. Madison, James Madison, President Madison - 4th President of the United States; member of the Continental Congress and rapporteur at the Constitutional Convention in 1776; helped frame the Bill of Rights (1751-1836)
    --1 is a kind of President of the United States, United States President, President, Chief Executive
  2. Madison, capital of Wisconsin - capital of the state of Wisconsin; located in the southern part of state; site of the main branch of the University of Wisconsin
    --2 is a kind of state capital
    --2 is a part of Wisconsin, Badger State, WI
    --2 has parts: University of Wisconsin
madia madia elegans madia oil madia oil plant madia sativa madien name madiga madiocre madison madjumbe madle madley madly madman madman madme madmen

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