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liquid diet


Definitions from WordNet

Noun liquid diet has 1 sense
  1. liquid diet - a diet of foods that can be served in liquid or strained form (plus custards or puddings); prescribed after certain kinds of surgery
    --1 is a kind of
    --1 has particulars: clear liquid diet

Definitions from the Web

Liquid Diet


A liquid diet refers to a dietary plan in which a person consumes only liquids or foods that turn into liquid at room temperature, typically used for medical or weight loss purposes.

Part of Speech

Noun phrase


  1. Restrictive diet consisting solely of liquids or foods that turn into liquid.
  2. Medical diet prescribed for individuals with specific health conditions or post-surgical recovery.
  3. Weight loss diet that replaces solid foods with liquids.


Popular Usage:

"I'm considering going on a liquid diet to lose some weight before my wedding."

"After my jaw surgery, I had to follow a liquid diet for a week."

"Some people opt for a liquid diet as a way to detoxify their bodies."

Local Usage:

"The doctor recommended a liquid diet for my grandfather after his throat surgery."

"During my friend's illness, she had to follow a strict liquid diet."

"My sister is on a liquid diet to manage her digestive disorder."

Possible Related Products (Amazon search):

Books on Liquid Diet

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Liquid Diet Supplements

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