Term: Landowner
Definition: A landowner refers to an individual or entity who possesses or has legal ownership of a piece of land.
Example sentences:
- 1. The landowner decided to develop his property into a beautiful park for the community.
- 2. As a responsible landowner, she ensured that the land was properly maintained and preserved.
- 3. The landowner received rent from the tenants who leased a portion of his land to start a small farm.
- 4. The landowner's main source of income came from leasing her property to commercial businesses.
Popular usage:
Landowners have the right to make decisions about how their land is utilized, such as agricultural or industrial purposes. They may also engage in leasing or selling the land for financial gain.
Local usage:
In some areas, the term "landowner" may refer specifically to individuals who own large tracts of land, often associated with rural or agricultural regions.
Related products:
Check out various books and resources related to landownership on Amazon.