Definitions from WordNet | ||||
Definitions from the WebLammastideDefinition:Lammastide refers to the period of time around the Christian festival of Lammas, typically occurring in early August. It marks the beginning of the harvest season and is associated with various customs and traditions. Parts of Speech:
Senses:Sense 1:The Christian festival of Lammas. Example sentence: During Lammastide, many people gather at the local church to celebrate the harvest and give thanks. Related products: Lammas celebration Sense 2:The period of time around the festival of Lammas, considered as a whole. Example sentence: Lammastide is characterized by various folk dances, feasting, and the reaping of the first crops. Related products: Harvest traditions Sense 3:A local or regional celebration, specific to a particular community or area. Example sentence: In our village, Lammastide is celebrated with a parade, live music, and a village fair. Related products: Local festivals | ||||
lamisil lamium lamium album lamium amplexicaule lamivudine lamk lammas lammas day lammastide lammergeier lammergeyer lammers lamna lamna nasus lamnet lamnidae lamo