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Term: intermediata


The term "intermediata" is an adjective that refers to something that is intermediate or in the middle. It can also be used as a noun to describe a person or thing that acts as a mediator or go-between. Additionally, it is a scientific term used in taxonomy to indicate a group of organisms that are intermediate in form or characteristics.



  1. The difficulty level of the exam was intermediata, not too easy or too hard.
  2. The weather was neither too hot nor too cold, but rather intermediata.


  1. She played the role of an intermediata, settling disputes between two warring factions.
  2. John acted as the intermediata between the company and its clients, ensuring smooth communication.

Scientific Taxonomy:

  1. The species can be classified as intermediata due to its mix of characteristics from two related groups.
  2. The intermediata population displayed traits that were intermediate between the two subspecies.

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