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Relating to or involving multiple academic disciplines or fields of study.


1. Broad sense: Referring to the collaboration or integration of knowledge, methods, and ideas from different disciplines.

2. Narrow sense: Pertaining to a specific field or area that incorporates various disciplines.


Popular Usage:

1. Jane decided to pursue an interdisciplinary approach to her research by combining elements of psychology, biology, and sociology.

2. The interdisciplinary team of scientists worked together to solve the complex environmental issue.

Local Usage:

1. The local university offers an interdisciplinary program in sustainable development.

2. The museum's interdisciplinary exhibit explores the connections between art, history, and technology in our city.

Sample Sentences:

1. The conference provided a platform for experts to present their interdisciplinary research findings.

2. In the modern world, solving complex problems often requires an interdisciplinary approach.

3. The interdisciplinary nature of the project allowed for a comprehensive understanding of the topic.

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