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induction accelerator


Definitions from WordNet

Noun induction accelerator has 1 sense
  1. betatron, induction accelerator - accelerates a continuous beam of electrons to high speeds by means of the electric field produced by changing magnetic flux
    --1 is a kind of accelerator, particle accelerator, atom smasher

Definitions from the Web

Induction Accelerator


An induction accelerator refers to a device used in particle physics to accelerate charged particles to high speeds by exploiting electromagnetic induction. It consists of a series of segmented metal plates or rings that create a magnetic field capable of pushing and propelling charged particles forward.


Noun: The scientists at the research facility designed an impressive induction accelerator for their particle acceleration experiments.

Verb: The team successfully induced the particles using the accelerator, reaching unprecedented speeds.

Adjective: The induction accelerator experiment yielded groundbreaking results for the scientific community.

Adverb: The charged particles were effortlessly propelled forward by the induction accelerator used in the experiment.

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