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Definitions from WordNet

Noun humerus has 1 sense
  1. humerus - bone extending from the shoulder to the elbow
    --1 is a kind of
    arm bone
    --1 is a part of arm
    --1 has parts: deltoid tuberosity, deltoid eminence

Definitions from the Web



The humerus is the bone located in the upper arm, extending from the shoulder joint to the elbow joint. It is the largest bone of the upper limb and forms an essential part of the skeletal system.


1. Anatomy:

In human anatomy, the humerus refers specifically to the bone situated between the shoulder and elbow.

Example sentence: The humerus connects the scapula to the radius and ulna.

2. Zoology:

In zoology, the humerus is the corresponding bone in the forelimb of other vertebrates, such as mammals, birds, and reptiles.

Example sentence: The humerus of a bird is adapted for flight, providing the necessary support and mobility of the wing.

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