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Definitions from WordNet

Noun herpestes has 1 sense
  1. Herpestes, genus Herpestes - mongooses
    --1 is a kind of mammal genus
    --1 is a member of Viverridae, family Viverridae, Viverrinae, family Viverrinae
    --1 has particulars: mongoose

Definitions from the Web



Noun (singular):

A small carnivorous mammal of the family Herpestidae, native to Africa and Asia, such as the mongoose or meerkat.

Noun (plural):

A genus of small mammals including mongooses and meerkats.


Noun (singular):

1. The herpestes hunted for insects in the tall grass.

2. The herpestes is known for its agility and speed in catching its prey.

3. I spotted a small herpestes scurrying across the path.

Noun (plural):

1. The herpestes are highly skilled at evading predators.

2. Mongooses and meerkats belong to the herpestes genus.

3. The herpestes have a unique ability to stand on their hind legs.

Possible Related Products on Amazon:

Find books on herpestes and related species here.

Discover toys and figurines of mongooses and meerkats here.

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