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A hardman is a person who is tough, resilient, and determined.

Sense 1 (Noun):

A hardman refers to a person, typically a man, who is extremely tough and capable of enduring physical challenges.

Example: He was known as a hardman in the boxing ring, never giving up until the last round.

Sense 2 (Noun):

In British English, a hardman also refers to a tough and intimidating individual involved in criminal activities.

Example: The gang was led by a notorious hardman who struck fear into the hearts of the locals.

Sense 3 (Noun):

A hardman can also be a slang term for an erection or a person with a strong sexual drive.

Example: His reputation as a ladies' man earned him the nickname "Hardman" among his friends.

Sense 4 (Adjective):

When used as an adjective, hardman describes something or someone that is tough, resolute, or unyielding.

Example: The hardman attitude of the team captain inspired the rest of the players to give their best.

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