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Garretts refers to a popular local snack shop that specializes in gourmet popcorn. They are known for their wide variety of flavors and are often found in shopping malls.

Sample sentence: I visited Garretts yesterday and tried their famous caramel popcorn.


Garretts can also be used as an adjective to describe something that is related to or characteristic of the Garretts brand.

Sample sentence: My friend gave me a Garretts keychain as a souvenir from her trip to Chicago.

In HTML format:



<p>Garretts refers to a popular local snack shop that specializes in gourmet popcorn. They are known for their wide variety of flavors and are often found in shopping malls.</p>

<p>Sample sentence: I visited Garretts yesterday and tried their famous caramel popcorn.</p>


<p>Garretts can also be used as an adjective to describe something that is related to or characteristic of the Garretts brand.</p>

<p>Sample sentence: My friend gave me a Garretts keychain as a souvenir from her trip to Chicago.</p>

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