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Definitions from the WebEsentalDescription:Esental is a versatile term with various meanings and usages depending on the context. It can be used as a noun, an adjective, or a verb. Whether popular or local, esental embodies different senses that make it an intriguing term in many domains. Senses:NounSense 1: In popular culture, "esental" refers to a powerful object or entity that holds significant importance or possesses extraordinary abilities. Example Sentence: The mystical talisman was rumored to be the esental of ultimate power. AdjectiveSense 1: Used in a local dialect, "esental" describes something or someone that is essential or indispensable in a particular community or region. Example Sentence: The local band was considered esental to the community's vibrant music scene. VerbSense 1: When used as a verb, "esental" means to prioritize or deem something as essential. Example Sentence: It is crucial to esental proper nutritional habits for a healthy lifestyle. Possible Related Products: | ||||
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