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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective electromechanical has 1 sense
  1. electromechanical - of or relating to or involving an electrically operated mechanical device

Definitions from the Web



Electromechanical refers to the integration of electrical and mechanical components, or the use of electrical devices to control mechanical systems.


1. Noun (uncountable)

The branch of engineering that combines electrical and mechanical principles and technologies.

Example: Studying electromechanical provides a comprehensive understanding of both electrical and mechanical systems.

2. Adjective

Relating to or using the combination of electrical and mechanical components or systems.

Example: The robotic arm used in the factory is an electromechanical device.

3. Adjective

Relating to or involving both electrical and mechanical operation or control.

Example: The electromechanical switch is commonly used to control power supply.

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