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edible cockle


Definitions from WordNet

Noun edible cockle has 1 sense
  1. edible cockle, Cardium edule - common edible European cockle
    --1 is a kind of cockle
    --1 has parts: cockle

Definitions from the Web

Edible Cockle


An edible cockle is a type of shellfish that belongs to the family Cardiidae. It is a marine bivalve mollusk known for its edible flesh. The term "cockle" refers to various species within the family, but when used alone, it usually refers to the common edible cockle (Cerastoderma edule).


Sense 1: Common Edible Cockle


A species of edible cockle (Cerastoderma edule) found in coastal waters of Europe and parts of Western Asia. It has a rounded, ridged shell with a pale yellow to brown coloration. The flesh is soft, tender, and commonly used in various culinary preparations.

Example sentence: She gathered a bag of delicious edible cockles from the shoreline.

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Sense 2: Local Varieties


Refers to various species of edible cockles found in local regions worldwide. These local varieties may have distinct characteristics and flavors, providing unique culinary experiences for different cultures and cuisines.

Example sentence: The local fishermen proudly served a traditional seafood dish featuring their native variety of edible cockles.

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