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driving iron


Definitions from WordNet

Noun driving iron has 1 sense
  1. driving iron, one iron - (golf) the long iron with the most nearly vertical face
    --1 is a kind of iron

Definitions from the Web

Driving Iron


A driving iron refers to a specific type of golf club primarily designed for long-distance shots off the tee. It typically features a low loft angle and a shorter shaft compared to other irons. The driving iron is known for its precision and control, making it an excellent choice for accuracy-focused golfers.

Sample Sentences:

1. He confidently pulled out his driving iron and teed up the ball, ready to launch it down the fairway.

2. The professional golfer's swing with the driving iron was a textbook example of power and accuracy.

3. Jane struggled with her driving iron initially but eventually managed to master its unique characteristics.

4. The driving iron quickly became his go-to club for long par 3 holes.

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