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double sharp


Definitions from WordNet

Noun double sharp has 1 sense
  1. double sharp - a a musical notation of two sharps in front of a note indicating that it is to be raised by two semitones
    --1 is a kind of

Definitions from the Web

Double Sharp


In music notation, a double sharp is a symbol (♯♯) placed before a note to raise its pitch by two semitones or a whole step. It is used to modify a note that is already sharp.


  1. Noun: A musical symbol (♯♯) that indicates raising the pitch of a note by two semitones.
  2. Adjective: Referring to a note that has been modified by a double sharp symbol.


  • As a noun: "The composer added a double sharp to the score, making the note sound even higher."
  • As an adjective: "The pianist played a challenging piece that required great precision with the double sharp notes."

Sample Sentences:

  • "The double sharp in measure 12 adds an unexpected and dramatic flair to the music."
  • "To play the passage correctly, remember to raise the double sharp note by two semitones."

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