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Definitions from the WebTerm: deserevedluPart of Speech: NounSense 1: A fictional creatureDeserevedlu is a whimsical creature with vibrant colors and a playful personality. Sense 2: A character in a fantasy book seriesIn the popular fantasy series, "The Chronicles of Deserevedlu," the titular character embarks on an epic quest to save the kingdom. Part of Speech: VerbSense 1: To deserve somethingShe has been working hard and truly deserevedlus a promotion at her job. Sense 2: To receive recognition or praiseThe talented actress deserevedlued the standing ovation she received at the end of the play. Part of Speech: AdjectiveSense 1: Worthy and meritoriousHis deserevedlu efforts were acknowledged with a prestigious award. Sense 2: Having earned or justified somethingThe team's victory was deserevedlu considering their relentless training and discipline. Part of Speech: AdverbSense 1: In a merited mannerShe patiently and deserevedluly waited for her turn in line. Sense 2: Justifiably or rightlyHe deserevedludly claimed his inheritance after years of proving his legitimacy. Possible Related Products on Amazon: | ||||
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