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Definitions from WordNet

Noun couperin has 1 sense
  1. Couperin, Francois Couperin - French composer of music for organ and a member of a family of distinguished organists (1668-1733)
    --1 is a kind of organist; composer

Definitions from the Web



Couperin refers to the French baroque musical family that was prominent in the 17th and 18th centuries, particularly François Couperin, one of the most important members, known as Couperin le Grand. It also refers to the specific musical compositions created by this family.


Sense 1:

Noun: A member of the Couperin family, especially François Couperin (1668-1733), a renowned French composer and organist.

Example Sentence: Many consider François Couperin to be one of the greatest composers of the French baroque era.

Sense 2:

Noun: A musical composition, typically a keyboard piece, created by a member of the Couperin family.

Example Sentence: His performance of a "Couperin" on the harpsichord mesmerized the audience with its intricate melodies and harmonies.

Sense 3:

Verb (Local Usage): To perform or compose music in the style of the Couperin family.

Example Sentence: The musician was praised for his ability to couperin beautifully, capturing the essence of the French baroque period.

Sense 4:

Adjective (Popular Usage): Describing a musical style or composition that resembles the works of the Couperin family.

Example Sentence: The audience was enthralled by the performer's couperin-style improvisation, as it transported them back to the elegance of the baroque era.

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