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Definitions from WordNet

Noun conversance has 1 sense
  1. acquaintance, familiarity, conversance, conversancy - personal knowledge or information about someone or something
    --1 is a kind of information

Definitions from the Web

Term: Conversance


Conversance refers to a state or quality of being familiar or well acquainted with a particular subject or topic. It implies having a good knowledge or understanding in a specific area.

Sample Sentences

As a Noun:

  1. His conversance in computer programming allowed him to quickly solve complex coding issues.
  2. The professor's conversance with literature made the class engaging and insightful.
  3. In order to become a successful lawyer, it is crucial to have conversance in various areas of law.

As an Adjective:

  1. The linguist demonstrated conversance in multiple languages during the conference.
  2. Her conversance with the local customs helped her adapt easily to the new environment.
  3. I was impressed by his conversance in ancient history.

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