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Definitions from the WebConstrainmentDefinition:Constrainment refers to the act of limiting or restraining something or someone. Usage:Sense 1: Noun (Popular)Constrainment can often be observed in societal norms and regulations. Sample Sentence: The constrainment imposed by the government aimed to protect the citizens' safety. Sense 2: Noun (Local)In local communities, constrainment might occur in the form of unwritten rules and traditions. Sample Sentence: The constrainment within this small village revolved around adhering to ancient customs. Sense 3: Verb (Popular)People sometimes constrain their own desires for various reasons, such as responsibilities or moral considerations. Sample Sentence: She had to constrain her excitement at the surprise party in order to maintain the secret. Sense 4: Verb (Local)In this tight-knit community, they constrain the use of technology to encourage face-to-face interactions. Sample Sentence: The residents decided to constrain the internet access in their town to foster a closer sense of community. Related Products: | ||||
constitutors constituy constraight constrain constrained constrainedly constraineth constraining constrainment constrains constraint constraints constraits constrant constraual constriant constribuion