Definitions from WordNet | ||||
Definitions from the WebClegg (noun)Sense 1: A colloquial term used in British English to refer to a member of the Liberal Democrats party. Example Sentence: I admire Nick Clegg for his political career in the UK. Clegg (noun)Sense 2: A type of blood-sucking insect, specifically a horsefly or a midge. Example Sentence: The clegg bites on my leg are extremely itchy and irritating. Clegg (verb)Sense 1: To adhere closely and tenaciously; to stick firmly. Example Sentence: The fabric cleggs to the skin, making it uncomfortable to wear. Clegg (proper noun)Sense 1: A surname of English origin. Example Sentence: Katie Clegg is a well-known actress in the entertainment industry. | ||||
cleek clef cleft cleft foot cleft lip cleft palate clefting cleg clegg cleistes cleistes divaricata cleistes rosea cleistocarp cleistogamic cleistogamous cleistogamy cleistothecium