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Definitions from WordNet

Adjective chondritic has 1 sense
  1. chondritic, granular - having a granular structure like that of chondrites
    Antonym: achondritic

Definitions from the Web



The term "chondritic" is an adjective derived from the word "chondrite," which refers to a type of stony meteorite. In the scientific context, it is used to describe substances or objects that resemble or have characteristics similar to chondrites.


  1. Relating to or resembling chondrites.
  2. Involving or pertaining to meteorites composed mainly of chondrules.


Sense 1:

The mineral sample found near the impact site exhibited chondritic features, indicating its potential extraterrestrial origin.

Sense 2:

Scientists analyzed the chondritic composition of the meteorite to gather insights into the early solar system.

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