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Definitions from WordNet

Noun cathaya has 1 sense
  1. Cathaya - Chinese evergreen conifer discovered in 1955; not yet cultivated elsewhere
    --1 is a kind of
    conifer, coniferous tree
    --1 is a member of genus Cathaya

Definitions from the Web



Cathaya is a genus of coniferous trees belonging to the family Pinaceae. It comprises only one living species, Cathaya argyrophylla, which is commonly known as the Cathaya tree.

Sample Sentences:

Sense 1: Popular

1. The Cathaya tree is highly popular among arborists and tree enthusiasts.

2. The Cathaya tree is sought after for its majestic appearance and unique foliage.

3. Many people choose to plant Cathaya trees in their gardens for their beauty and rarity.

Sense 2: Local

1. In the local region, Cathaya trees are commonly used for timber production.

2. The indigenous community believes that the Cathaya tree holds spiritual significance.

3. The local market is filled with handmade crafts made from the wood of the Cathaya tree.

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