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Term: Capitalism


Capitalism refers to an economic system where private individuals or corporations control the means of production and trade for profit, with minimal government intervention.

Sense 1:

Noun - An economic system characterized by private ownership of resources, market competition, and the pursuit of profit.

Example sentence:

In capitalism, businesses operate independently with the goal of maximizing profits for their owners.

Sense 2:

Noun - The social and cultural system that arises from or supports capitalism, often characterized by individualism and a free market.

Example sentence:

Capitalism encourages the accumulation of wealth and promotes consumerism.

Sense 3:

Noun - The capital resources such as money, machinery, and infrastructure used in production within a capitalist system.

Example sentence:

Investing in new technology and upgrading machinery is essential to stay competitive in capitalism.

Sense 4:

Adjective - Relating to or characteristic of capitalism.

Example sentence:

The capitalist society values individual enterprise and free trade.

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