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Adjective antimicrobic has 1 sense
  1. antimicrobial, antimicrobic - capable of destroying or inhibiting the growth of disease-causing microorganisms
    Antonym: unhealthful (indirect, via healthful)
Noun antimicrobic has 1 sense
  1. disinfectant, germicide, antimicrobic, antimicrobial - an agent (as heat or radiation or a chemical) that destroys microorganisms that might carry disease
    --1 is a kind of agent
    --1 has particulars: cetrimide; sodium hypochlorite
antimalarial antimalarial drug antimantaphia antimatter antimeabole antimeson antimetabolite antimicrobial antimicrobic antimicrobiotic antimiscegenation antimissile antimonial antimonial lead antimonic antimonious antimonopoly

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