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Definitions from WordNet

Noun antichrist has 1 sense
  1. Antichrist - (Christianity) the adversary of Christ (or Christianity) mentioned in the New Testament; the Antichrist will rule the world until overthrown by the Second Coming of Christ
    --1 is a kind of
    adversary, antagonist, opponent, opposer, resister

Definitions from the Web

Term: Antichrist

Noun: A figure in Christian eschatology who is believed to oppose Christ and deceive humanity.

Example Sentence: The Antichrist is said to possess great powers of deception and will try to lead people astray.

Noun: A person or thing that opposes or is hostile to Christ, Christianity, or Christian values.

Example Sentence: The radical dictator was seen as the antichrist by the religious community due to his oppressive policies.

Adjective: Describing something as being in opposition to Christ or Christian beliefs.

Example Sentence: The band's music was often criticized for its antichrist lyrics, which challenged traditional religious ideologies.

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