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action painting


Definitions from WordNet

Noun action painting has 1 sense
  1. Abstract Expressionism, action painting - a New York school of painting characterized by freely created abstractions; the first important school of American painting to develop independently of European styles
    --1 is a kind of artistic movement, art movement

Definitions from the Web

Action Painting

Definition: Action painting, also known as gestural abstraction, is a form of abstract painting in which the artist's physical movements and actions are an essential part of the creative process.

Popular Use: Action painting gained popularity in the mid-20th century and was embraced by artists who wanted to emphasize the act of painting itself rather than representing recognizable objects or scenes.

Local Use: In our local art community, action painting has become a popular technique for expressing strong emotions and creating dynamic, energetic compositions.

Example Sentences:

  1. He used action painting to create a mesmerizing abstract artwork.
  2. The artist's intense brushstrokes and splatters exemplified the essence of action painting.
  3. Many art critics consider Jackson Pollock as one of the pioneers of action painting.

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